Overseas Sales Manager
Job GroupBusiness
Experience LevelExperienced 5 years or more
Job TypesFull-time
Locations서울특별시 서초구 강남대로 479

Job Summary

VUNO, a Pioneer in the Medical AI industry, is looking for a dynamic and experienced Overseas Sales Manager to promote our innovative Hativ products. The ideal candidate will be responsible for researching international markets, developing sales strategies, managing export status, and establishing new distributors and dealers.

🚩하티브케어 (hativ.co.kr)

🚩뷰노, View the Invisible, Know the Unknown (vuno.co)

Key Responsibilities

  • Research international market and develop strategies.
  • Track weekly, monthly, and quarterly performance and sales metrics.
  • Develop and manage new business channels.
  • Identify potential new distributors and dealers in target markets and initiate relationships with new partners.
  • Building positive productive relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Providing training to direct and distribution customers ensuring a comprehensive understanding of VUNO’s products.
  • Plan and execute participation in international exhibitions and conferences.

Required Qualifications

  • At least five years of experience in relevant fields
  • Experience in the Healthcare/Bio industry
  • Proven experience in international sales, market research, and business development
  • Excellent communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to travel internationally as required
  • Proficiency in verbal and written English

A Plus but Not Required

  • Proficiency in multiple languages
  • Experience selling Sphygmomanometer, Glucometer, or any other products related to healthcare
  • Knowledge of international trade regulations and compliance
  • International sales experience in US, Europe, and Southeast Asia and so on

지원 시 참고해 주세요!

모집기간 및 채용절차

  • 본 포지션은 채용 시 마감됩니다. 
  • 본 포지션은 [서류전형]→ [1차(실무)면접] → [온라인 인성검사] [2차(임원)면접] [최종합격] 순으로 진행 됩니다.

* 채용 절차 별 상세 내용은 대상자분들에게 별도 안내 드리고 있습니다.

* 온라인 인성검사로 2차 면접 진행 여부가 결정되는 것이 아님을 안내 드립니다.


  • 해외여행에 결격사항이 없는 분
  • 남성은 병역필 또는 면제자
  • 취업보호대상자는 관련 법규에 의거하여 우대합니다. 


  • 수습기간 3개월 후 본채용 여부가 결정됩니다. 
  • 제출한 서류가 사실과 다른 경우 합격(입사)이 취소될 수 있습니다.
  • 제출서류는 관계법령에 따라 파기 및 반환합니다.
  • 궁금한 점이 있으신 경우 [email protected]로 문의 부탁드립니다.
Overseas Sales Manager

Job Summary

VUNO, a Pioneer in the Medical AI industry, is looking for a dynamic and experienced Overseas Sales Manager to promote our innovative Hativ products. The ideal candidate will be responsible for researching international markets, developing sales strategies, managing export status, and establishing new distributors and dealers.

🚩하티브케어 (hativ.co.kr)

🚩뷰노, View the Invisible, Know the Unknown (vuno.co)

Key Responsibilities

  • Research international market and develop strategies.
  • Track weekly, monthly, and quarterly performance and sales metrics.
  • Develop and manage new business channels.
  • Identify potential new distributors and dealers in target markets and initiate relationships with new partners.
  • Building positive productive relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Providing training to direct and distribution customers ensuring a comprehensive understanding of VUNO’s products.
  • Plan and execute participation in international exhibitions and conferences.

Required Qualifications

  • At least five years of experience in relevant fields
  • Experience in the Healthcare/Bio industry
  • Proven experience in international sales, market research, and business development
  • Excellent communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to travel internationally as required
  • Proficiency in verbal and written English

A Plus but Not Required

  • Proficiency in multiple languages
  • Experience selling Sphygmomanometer, Glucometer, or any other products related to healthcare
  • Knowledge of international trade regulations and compliance
  • International sales experience in US, Europe, and Southeast Asia and so on

지원 시 참고해 주세요!

모집기간 및 채용절차

  • 본 포지션은 채용 시 마감됩니다. 
  • 본 포지션은 [서류전형]→ [1차(실무)면접] → [온라인 인성검사] [2차(임원)면접] [최종합격] 순으로 진행 됩니다.

* 채용 절차 별 상세 내용은 대상자분들에게 별도 안내 드리고 있습니다.

* 온라인 인성검사로 2차 면접 진행 여부가 결정되는 것이 아님을 안내 드립니다.


  • 해외여행에 결격사항이 없는 분
  • 남성은 병역필 또는 면제자
  • 취업보호대상자는 관련 법규에 의거하여 우대합니다. 


  • 수습기간 3개월 후 본채용 여부가 결정됩니다. 
  • 제출한 서류가 사실과 다른 경우 합격(입사)이 취소될 수 있습니다.
  • 제출서류는 관계법령에 따라 파기 및 반환합니다.
  • 궁금한 점이 있으신 경우 [email protected]로 문의 부탁드립니다.
Job GroupBusiness
Experience LevelExperienced 5 years or more
Job TypesFull-time
Locations서울특별시 서초구 강남대로 479